
媒體怎樣報導醫界?醫界專業的觀點在哪裡? 歡迎論述,讓真相更完整的呈現!

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文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am


文章 李誠民 »

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... ntary.aspx

Story at-a-glance
“The Disappearing Male” gives an educational glimpse into why environmental chemicals, and particularly the gender-bending kind, are so detrimental to boys
Endocrine-disrupting environmental chemicals are interfering with reproductive development, causing male birth defects to increase along with infertility rates
Male sperm counts have been on the decline and males of all species are becoming more feminized, likely due to rising chemical exposures
In one community close to a slew of chemical plants, two girls are born for every boy, raising concerns about the future of the human species

美國90-95%大豆都是GMO作物,桂格不論是橄欖油, 葡萄油, 蔬菜油, 等應該大都是大豆製造,您要檢查各種油成分, 比例哪個國家也不可能做到!!! 但是從進口量與出貨量就很簡單查知!!!....GMP是經濟部管理 發證,要查不是太簡單了!!!.....要衛福部查,.....人力,物力要花費多少?!......Bumbler 永遠是Bumbler!!!只會推卸責任!!!

棉花是非常易造成蟲害的作物,所以需大量使用殺蟲劑!!!....兩年前印度曾經接受Monsanto's的免費種子,但使用的殺蟲劑(Round-up)卻超過成本許多,;所以印度人民放棄種植,那年棉花也欠收!!!再也不相信美國公司的鬼話,;..法國最高法院在2007年將Monsanto's CEO犯罪起訴,2008年(."France Finds Monsanto Guilty of Lying")即是以汙染土壤,造成法國不孕症判刑!!!

GMO(Genetic Modified Organism 基因改造食物--包括作物--米, 麥, 大豆, 玉米,....語圈養動物--牛,豬,羊,雞,Salmon等),含酚類等........BPA就是赫赫有名的雙酚A---Round-up 就含有這種成分

全名為Bisphenol A C15 H16 O2


在塑膠工業使用於pvc(聚氯乙烯)或是 環氧樹脂(反應型樹脂) 作為添加的增塑劑,增加流動性能。也少量用於pc 聚碳樹脂。



有時pvc和 環氧樹脂 於製造時沒有添加此類 BPA 的添加劑,在清理模具時,以強鹼性清潔劑清理,也會和PVC 環氧樹脂反應產生 BPA,所以PVC或是環氧樹脂中要驗出雙酚A的殘留,是輕而易舉的。

其他的常用塑膠 如 PE PP PET等 都沒有需要用到此類的添加劑,此類塑膠碰到強鹼也不會釋出雙酚A。



如果是環氧樹脂(非可熱塑性樹脂)和PC(常用於嬰兒奶瓶)加熱 是會釋出一些雙酚A出來,但是劑量只有幾億分之一(ppb- ppm的千分之幾)我個人一直認為可以忽略,因為家長多是以熱水煮奶瓶消毒,沸騰的熱水,是會將PC奶瓶中所含有的雙酚A釋放出來,消毒後,雙酚A是微量存在於煮奶瓶的熱水中,熱水倒掉後,會剩多少雙酚A殘留在奶瓶上,倒是值得商榷。

泡奶粉的熱水,一般不會超過五十度,我個人相信(個人無作過實驗 不能證明 只是個人相信)此劑量的雙酚A 不會對人體有影響。

但是,問題牽涉到嬰兒,我們拿小鼠以大劑量實驗,不可能拿人類嬰兒的成長來開玩笑,所以大家謹慎,雖然低劑量的動物實驗並未得到對生物體有害,或是副作用的研究結果。但是高劑量的雙酚A 能造成動物實驗的雌性激素,與睪丸酮的生長影響


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Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

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文章: 31718
註冊時間: 週一 11月 20, 2006 5:19 pm
來自: 歡婆鄉

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

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文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... ading.aspx

Nearly 20 percent of corporate crime is being committed by companies that make products for your health. Crimes committed by some of the top pharmaceutical companies include fabricated studies and hiding damaging research
A number of recent articles and books have delved into the practices of the drug industry, concluding it operates like an organized crime ring
Corruption of science is one of the most dangerous forms of corruption. Doctors rely on published studies to make treatment recommendations, and large numbers of patients can be harmed when false findings are published
A recent study concluded that a majority of American drug commercials—60 percent of prescription drug ads, and 80 percent of ads for over-the-counter (OTC) drugs—are either misleading or outright false Warnings of adverse side effects in drug ads can backfire. While initially making viewers cautious, over the course of time people tend to ignore the warnings; some even see them as indications of honesty and trustworthiness ......Glaxo 是英國藥廠(總部還在倫敦!!!)

...."19 pharmaceutical companies made AllBusiness.com's Top 100 Corporate Criminals List for the 1990s".......21st Century. Crimes committed by some of the most well-known drug companies include:
• Fabricated studies
• Covering up serious problems with their drugs
• False claims
• Bribery, illegal kick-backs, and defrauding Medicare, Medicaid, and even the FDA
• Immoral threat and intimidation tactics

..." Is the Pharmaceutical Industry Like the Mafia?" Smith writes:
 “The characteristics of organized crime, racketeering, is defined in US law as the act of engaging repeatedly in certain types of offence, including extortion, fraud, federal drug offenses, bribery, embezzlement, obstruction of justice, obstruction of law enforcement, tampering with witnesses, and political corruption. .....--黑手黨不是賄絡,與政府聯合造假, 操控司法!!!!....

Peter [Gøtzsche] produces evidence, most of it detailed, to support his case that pharmaceutical companies are guilty of most of these offenses.
And he is not the first to compare the industry with the Mafia or mob. He quotes a former vice-president of Pfizer, who has said:
‘It is scary how many similarities there are between this industry and the mob. The mob makes obscene amounts of money, as does this industry. The side effects of organized crime are killings and deaths, and the side effects are the same in this industry. The mob bribes politicians and others, and so does the drug industry…’

......Two years ago, GSK agreed to a $3 billion settlement over the sales and marketing practices of several of its drugs, including Avandia. This was the largest federal drug-company settlement in US history, surpassing the $2.3 billion paid by Pfizer in 2009 (see video above) for illegally promoting off-label uses of four of its drugs.

The Guardian:
“The Chinese authorities have accused GSK of acting like a criminal "godfather", using a network of 700 middlemen and travel agencies to bribe doctors with £320m [$489 million] cash and sexual favors in return for prescribing GSK drugs. Gao said the police have evidence that bribery has been a 'core part' of GSK China's business model since 2007.” [Emphasis mine]

這是本人在十月十七日發言,請參考!!!....美國大藥廠已不是以專業為考量,何況是食品公司?!....台灣桂格公司另一大產品---燕麥食品,也是大豆, 玉米等GMO作物的醜聞不斷,所以以高纖燕麥(GMO)為主題,,---高纖可降低低密度膽固醇,總膽固醇, 三酸甘油脂(?!),但是燕麥還是碳水化合物,--所以高胰島素血症, 胰島素抗拒等問題仍存在;;
最重要的是高纖,口感不佳!!!,所以添加高果糖玉米糖漿(HFCS, --MGO)及人工甜味劑(Asparatem, Splenda.....),所以即使是高纖有好處,但添加劑(Sweetening)卻增加了胰島素抗拒與致癌性!!!.......別騙人了!!!
文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... lying.aspx...... Finds Monsanto Guilty of Lying"

France's highest court has ruled that U.S. agrochemical giant Monsanto had not told the truth about the safety of its best-selling weed-killer, Roundup. The court confirmed an earlier judgment that Monsanto had falsely advertised its herbicide as "biodegradable" and claimed it "left the soil clean." Roundup is the world's best-selling herbicide.
French environmental groups had brought the case in 2001 on the basis that glyphosate, Roundup's main ingredient, is classed as "dangerous for the environment" by the European Union.........

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... art-2.aspx....... than DDT: When You Eat This, it Ends Up Lingering in Your Gut "

The major danger of genetically engineered foods may be related to the increased use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s weed killer Glyphosate, which is the most common weed killer in the US and just happens to be more toxic than DDT. Roundup, can accumulate and persist in the soil for years, where it kills off beneficial microbes and stimulates virulence of pathogens
Since organically-farmed fields are not doused with glyphosate, organic fields still contain beneficial soil bacteria that actually hinder pathogens in and on the food from multiplying out of control. This may be yet another reason why organic foods are less prone to be contaminated with disease-causing pathogens than conventionally-grown foods
When applied to crops, glyphosate becomes systemic throughout the plant, so it cannot be washed off. And once you eat this crop, the glyphosate ends up in your gut where it can decimate your beneficial bacteria. This can wreak havoc with your health as 80 percent of your immune system resides in your gut and is dependent on a healthy ratio of good and bad bacteria
Glyphosate is a strong chelator, meaning it immobilizes critical micronutrients, rendering them unavailable to the plant. As a result, the nutritional efficiency of genetically engineered (GE) plants is profoundly compromised. Micronutrients such as iron, manganese and zinc can be reduced by as much as 80-90 percent in GE plants

.....The public's appreciation of the toxicity of glyphosate is rather limited. The fact that Monsanto marketed Roundup as "environmentally friendly" and "biodegradable" may have quite a bit to do with this general lack of insight. (In 2009, a French court upheld two earlier convictions against Monsanto for false advertising.)........

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... -2011.aspx

Monsanto, the world leader in genetically modified (GM) crops and seeds, has been named the worst company of 2011 by Natural Society for “threatening both human health and the environment.”
Monsanto can count among its ranks some of the most dangerous products known to man, including Agent Orange, dioxin, and GM seeds
Virtually all of the claims made for GM crops – increased yields, more food production, controlled pests and weeds, reductions in chemical use in agriculture, drought-tolerant seeds – have not materialized, while serious risks and consequences, including herbicide-resistant super weeds, super pests, uncontrollable cross-contamination and health problems from GM foods, have emerged
You can stop supporting Monsanto by boycotting GM foods and supporting California’s 2012 Ballot Initiative to require labels on GMOs
文章: 31718
註冊時間: 週一 11月 20, 2006 5:19 pm
來自: 歡婆鄉

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

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這推論 (咦)
文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »


To correct this travesty拙劣的模仿; 歪曲, GMOInside.org10 has launched開始; 積極投入; 猛力展開 a campaign urging 極力主張; 強烈要求infant formula makers to phase out all genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from their infant formulas. The companies targeted are:
• Abbott Laboratories, maker of Similac
• Mead Johnson Nutrition, maker of Enfamil
• Nestlé, maker of Gerber Good Start

"美國桂格=台灣桂格?";; 它有比亞伯, 強生, 雀巢公司大嗎?!
文章: 31718
註冊時間: 週一 11月 20, 2006 5:19 pm
來自: 歡婆鄉

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

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更怪 (咦)
文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »

美國牛肉的進口是個 貿易問題(WTO),在2002,2003年美國想出口牛肉與奶製品---鮮奶 乳酪 等,到澳洲,加拿大(WTO公平交易),但澳洲與加拿大的理由是美國牛是圈養的(餵飼料的--主要是玉米,--基因改造糧食),而澳洲加拿大是放養的(自然牧草,無基因改造(Genetic modified)飼料;所以強烈反制美國牛肉進口;;........,法國最高法院已經控訴Monsanto'sCo.(2007與2008年)隱瞞Genetic engineered food--大豆,玉米,小麥,燕麥等種植植物使用Glyphosate會汙染土地與不孕的事實(甚至致癌--Cacinogen)的科學資料;;還在訴訟中;;....

Argentina—A Poster Child for the Health Hazards of GMO Crops
April 09, 2013 | 310,775 views | + Add to Favorites (Mercola. com.)
Montenegro, a world-renowned 有聲譽 有名聲biologist, looked the part of a pioneer, in a khaki shirt and jungle boots. 'I have pesticide in me,' he said, almost as soon as he opened the door. Here we all have pesticide in our bodies because the land is saturated with it. And it is a huge problem. In Argentina biodiversity is diminishing. Even in national parks, because pesticides don’t recognize the limit of the park,” Ellis writes.
"More than 18 million hectares in Argentina are covered by genetically engineered soy, on which more than 300 million liters of pesticides are sprayed"阿根廷是畜牧業與糧食出口國,但有超過一千八百萬公頃被改為種植基因改造大豆,有超過三兆公升殺蟲劑被噴到土地上;;....您說阿根廷不會恨嗎?!
Sterility不孕 and miscarriages流產 are also increasing. Experts warn發出警告 預告 that in 10 to 15 years, rates of cancer, infertility and endocrine dysfunction could reach catastrophic levels in Argentina.
Dr. Medardo Vasquez, the neonatal specialist who heads up the Children’s Hospital in Cordoba
. Dr. Vasquez tells him:
I see new-born infants, many of whom are malformed. I have to tell parents that their children are dying because of these agricultural methods. In some areas in Argentina the primary cause of death for children less than one year old is malformations.

嬰兒奶粉個國家都是重視的!!!居然添加GMO(植物蛋白?!)還不標示,在歐盟,英國,澳洲, 紐西蘭等國,都是不可思議的事情!!!
文章: 4516
註冊時間: 週一 11月 13, 2006 5:24 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 poki »

desktop 寫:美國桂格=台灣桂格?



桂格的葵花油最便宜, 比大統的還便宜
文章: 29993
註冊時間: 週五 4月 30, 2010 1:27 am
擁有感謝: 1 次

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 kwojohn »

文章: 1061
註冊時間: 週三 11月 08, 2006 10:30 am
來自: HON

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 Ali-aa »

(怕怕) (怕怕)
kwojohn 寫:(怕怕)
無 浴 擇 缸
無 玉 擇 鋼
無 慾 則 鋼
文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »

Reviews|4 September 2012
Are Organic Foods Safer or Healthier Than Conventional Alternatives?: A Systematic Review
Crystal Smith-Spangler, MD, MS; Margaret L. Brandeau, PhD; Grace E. Hunter, BA; J. Clay Bavinger, BA; Maren Pearson, BS; Paul J. Eschbach; VandanaSundaram, MPH; Hau Liu, MD, MS, MBA, MPH; Patricia Schirmer, MD; Christopher Stave, MLS; Ingram Olkin, PhD; and Dena M. Bravata, MD, ----NIH (如同FDA 都是虛參院編列預算,才能運作!!!)Systematic review---“?”代表甚麼意思
[+] Article and Author Information
Ann Intern Med. 4 September 2012;157(5):348-366

Martin A, Severson K. Sticker shock in the organic aisles. New York Times. 18 April 2008. Accessed at http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/18/busin ... ganic.html on 14 July 2012.

Dimitri C, Oberholtzer L. Marketing U.S. Organic Foods: Recent Trends From Farms to Consumers. U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service, Economic Information Bulletin no. EIB-58. September 2009. Accessed at 美國農業部觀點www.ers.usda.gov/Publications/EIB58/ on 14 July 2012.
Organic Trade Association. U.S. organic industry valued at nearly $29 billion in 2010. Accessed at http://www.organicnewsroom.com/2011/04/us_orga ... ed_at.html on 15 July 2012.---農業產業觀點
Martin A, Severson K. Sticker shock in the organic aisles. New York Times. 18 April 2008. Accessed at http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/18/busin ... ganic.html on 14 July 2012.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service. Data Products: Organic Prices. 2009. Accessed at http://www.ers.usda.gov/Data/OrganicPrices/ on 23 November 2009.

2008 年美牛案,被轉移為萊克多巴胺(瘦肉精)問題,台灣人被騙了---不知GMO(Genetic Modified Organism, 基因改造食物)的真正含意!!!....現在發生棉籽油事件(只有非洲, 印度,連中國大陸都少用了!!),;卻轉移成棉醇事--不孕症!!!....
GMO造成不孕, 流產是國際大多數都知道的事(法國,阿根廷, 巴西, 印度都控訴過的事件);;台灣似乎這常識都不足!!!..
文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... ction.aspx

Story at-a-glance
Swedish fashion giant H&M is the world’s largest user of organic cotton, but in 2010 it was revealed that some of their ‘organic’ cotton contained genetically modified material
H&M now requires products containing organic cotton have a transaction certificate issued by a third-party certifier to verify the content of the organic fiber
Cotton is considered the world’s dirtiest crop due to the cotton industry’s heavy use of hazardous herbicides and insecticides
The introduction of genetically modified Bt cotton only added to the problem, requiring even more pesticides, creating super-pests and putting Indian farmers into debt who bought into biotech’s false promises – which is why many are now committing suicide
Choosing organic cotton for your clothing has far-reaching implications and helps the environment, small farmers and your own personal health

Swedish fashion giant H&M has been making headlines for their strides toward sustainability, and were named the biggest user of organic cotton worldwide in both 2010 and 2011.1

With 2,900 stores in 49 markets, H&M is certainly poised to make real changes in the garment industry, and has pledged to only use more sustainably produced cotton by 2020. And unlike many industries that are only now jumping on the organic bandwagon, H&M has been using certified organic cotton since 2004..........

.........Cotton is the “World’s Dirtiest Crop”.......

Cotton is considered the world's 'dirtiest' crop due to its heavy use of insecticides, the most hazardous pesticide to human and animal health. Cotton covers 2.5% of the world's cultivated land yet uses 16% of the world's insecticides, more than any other single major crop.
Aldicarb, parathion, and methamidopho, three of the most acutely hazardous insecticides to human health as determined by the World Health Organization, rank in the top ten most commonly used in cotton production. All but one of the remaining seven most commonly used are classified as moderately to highly hazardous.
Aldicarb, cotton's second best selling insecticide and most acutely poisonous to humans, can kill a man with just one drop absorbed through the skin, yet it is still used in 25 countries and the US, where 16 states have reported it in their groundwater.”........

GM ‘Bt’ Cotton: The Toxic ‘Solution’ That’s Killing Even More Farmers
The 2002 introduction of Monsanto’s Bt cotton, which is genetically modified to produce a toxin from the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) that is deadly to the bollworm, was supposed to lead to a reduction in the use of insecticides on cotton crops and better yields for farmers in the developing world (where 99 percent of all cotton farmers reside)

These are noble strategies, but H&M’s move toward sustainability hasn’t come without setbacks, including a major scandal in 2010 that found some of H&M’s ‘organic’ cotton may have been contaminated with genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... rmers.aspx

The introduction of genetically engineered seeds, and the coercion of Indian farmers to use them, has led to the largest wave of recorded suicides in human history
More than a quarter of a million Indian farmers have committed suicide over the past 16 years as their crops have failed, leaving them in financial ruin, largely as a result of Monsanto’s genetically engineered seeds (especially Bt cotton); an Indian farmer commits suicide every 30 minutes, typically by ingesting his own pesticides
Bt cotton is much more expensive than traditional cotton seed, requires more water and pesticides, and has failed to produce the increased crop yields promised by Monsanto
India’s government has largely abandoned small farmers, discontinuing support programs and failing to address factors such as lack of rural credit and access to irrigation, among others, and new government programs have barely scratched the surface of this crisis 印度被美國Monsanto's等種子公司詐騙,造成印度農民每三十分鐘,就有自殺死亡的案例!!!

A Farmer Commits Suicide by Pesticide Every 30 Minutes in India
The statistics are staggering. According to a publication from the New York University School of Lawiv, in 2009 alone (the most recent year for which official figures are available) 17,638 Indian farmers committed suicide—that's one farmer every 30 minutes. A great number of those affected are cash crop farmers, and cotton farmers in particular.

According to the authors of the NYU report:
"While striking on their own, these figures considerably underestimate the actual number of farmer suicides taking place. Women, for example, are often excluded from farmer suicide statistics because most do not have title to land—a common prerequisite for being recognized as a farmer in official statistics and programs.
文章: 16332
註冊時間: 週一 7月 10, 2006 12:59 pm
來自: tainan

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 jeffery »

那台製ㄉ桂格ㄉ燕麥片 或紅麴納豆 會有問題嗎?
文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »

"桂格的葵花油最便宜, 比大統的還便宜

"那台製ㄉ桂格ㄉ燕麥片 或紅麴納豆 會有問題?"......--我不知道!!但燕麥也有GMO作物,大豆是很好的食物,但是美國生產的大豆90-95%是GMO作物(包過阿根廷, 雅瑪愻--巴西生產),但non-GMO大豆太少了!!!.....日本有納豆, 豆製咪搜(?)---發酵大豆(Fermented soy);中國有豆腐(1980年代英國發展出豆腐--Tofu 學);但可以確定的桂格參雜的應是大豆沙拉油........

台灣經濟部發GMP證照時,不是沒有知識的問題,而是連常識也沒有(世界上只剩非洲, 印度等級落後國家,才有使用棉籽油);;但是台灣可以進口四千七百萬噸棉籽油......--幹嘛!!!
文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »

氫化脂肪(反式脂肪)較穩定, 高溫不易起油煙, 也可以儲放更久;;.........
但是英國與歐盟在食物中不可以存在,美國卻可以允許0.5%.....--因為對血管來說, 是很強的氧化劑(Oxidant),也會造成胰島素抗拒.......,美國還有一堆靠救濟金(食物卷)生活的人,卻讓大糧商獲得更多利益!!!
文章: 27877
註冊時間: 週二 8月 05, 2008 11:39 am
來自: Taiwan Formosa
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Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 hjh »

jeffery 寫:那台製ㄉ桂格ㄉ燕麥片 或紅麴納豆 會有問題嗎?
還不如 Crestor QW就夠了
文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... lakes.aspx

In the U.S., a quarter of children go without breakfast each morning. Last week, Kellogg started new project called Share Your Breakfast, which involves the company donating up to a million school breakfasts for children in need.
But while this sounds philanthropic慈善的, feeding children highly-processed junk foods is not the answer. As part of this project, Kellogg is promoting foods such as Frosted Flakes, which contains 11 grams of sugar per three-fourths cup serving, and Nutri-Grain bars, which contain high-fructose-corn syrup, artificial flavors, and a host of other chemicals.......;;問題是在燕麥片產品含高纖(?!),口感不佳,需要多加糖(多為HFCS--高果糖玉米糖漿),尤其是孩童早餐燕麥配方(許多人工甜味劑--Aspartame, Splenda....)......

Eggs are the Better Breakfast Choice
August 21, 2008 | 103,658 views--Mercola com.

Folks, this is a perfect example of what my nutritional plan is all about; AVOIDING grains, such as bagels, cereal and pancakes, and replacing them with high quality proteins (such as eggs), healthy fats (INCLUDING saturated fat) and low glycemic complex carbs is the fastest way to reduce your weight and improve your health. ....蛋是相當好的早餐食物,不但維他命與礦物質較完全,也提共優質蛋白質與脂肪......

10 worst breakfast cereals based on nutrition score are:
1. Kellogg - Corn Pops (or Pops) - Chocolate Peanut Butter
2. Quaker - Cap'n Crunch - w/ Crunchberries ,;孩童配方含多量, 多種色素有香精(人工芳香劑),!!!!
3. Kellogg - Special K - Chocolatey Delight
4. Kellogg - Special K - Blueberry
5. General Mills - Reese's Puffs
6. General Mills - Fiber One - Caramel Delight
7. Kellogg - Cocoa Krispies - Choconilla
8. General Mills - Golden Grahams
9. General Mills - Cinnamon Toast Crunch
10. Kellogg - Corn Pops
文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »

"桂格的葵花油最便宜, 比大統的還便宜
Poki先生::您覺得是不是轉移了 焦點!!!....棉籽油變成檢驗大豆沙拉油!!!.........棉籽油變成檢驗大豆沙拉油!!!.....請問經濟不可能檢驗出是GMO大豆或是No-GMO大豆嗎!!!?.....美國總統面臨的是GMO食物, 要標示(Laber)-GMO的問題,眾院民主黨只是以健保改革(決戰點---Insurance Exchange),重顯債務上限問題!!!...Labor-GMO是關係到美國財團(大糧商, BIg Pharmacy......, 等)華爾街的經濟利益,所以歐巴馬甘冒引起另一"雷曼兄弟"的世界金融風暴,也要跟民主黨攤牌!!!.....
文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »

US government reopens as Republican effort to derail health act collapses
BMJ 2013; 347 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f6336 (Published 18 October 2013)
Cite this as: BMJ 2013;347:f6336

An effort by US Republicans to derail破壞﹐干擾〔計劃﹑協議 the Affordable Care Act that shut down the federal government for three weeks and threatened a default不履行, that rattled financial markets around the world collapsed Wednesday in what is widely seen as a debacle災害 for the party……..
The standoff ended late Wednesday night when the Senate and then the House of Representatives passed a temporary spending measure that will finance the government until 15 January and raise the nation’s debt limit until 7 February. The bill passed the Senate 81-18 and the House by a vote of 285-144. President Barack Obama signed the legislation around 12:30 am Thursday.
…..On 30 September, the last day of the fiscal year, the House passed another version of the bill. This version included a provision that would delay the healthcare law’s individual mandate (requiring individuals to have health insurance) for one year and, again, cut off the health insurance subsidies currently provided for members of Congress and their staff.
That evening the Senate rejected the bill and sent a new version, stripped of the provisions targeting the healthcare reform law, back to the House. The next day, 1 October, without Congress’s authorization to fund the government services, President Obama ordered a partial shutdown of the federal government, furloughing 800 000 federal workers whose work was deemed “non-essential.”……
…..An NBC News and Wall Street Journal poll found that the public faulted the Republicans more than Obama for the impasse, by 53% to 31%. The numbers were “jaw dropping,” one veteran pollster told NBC News.
Pressure was also building for Congress to act on a second key piece of legislation, a bill to raise the government’s debt limit so it could continue to borrow to pay its bills and creditors. If the US were to default on its payments, financial experts here and abroad warned, it could trigger a worldwide recession worse than that that began in 2008……
…Wall Street Journal, a strong opponent對手; 敵手, 反對者 of Obama and his healthcare legislation, called on Republicans to throw in the towel. “It’s time to wrap up this comedy of political errors,” the journal editors wrote….

…..Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Karl Rove, a former White House adviser to President George W Bush and Republican strategist, blamed the debacle on a small cadre of ultra-conservative House Republicans who, he said, had pursued their effort to defund the healthcare law long after the strategy had been shown to be a “transparent failure.”

US health insurance exchanges are swamped by users
BMJ 2013; 347 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f6035 (Published 7 October 2013)
Cite this as: BMJ 2013;347:f6035
Heavy user traffic continued to swamp the new health insurance exchanges across the United States three days after the 1 October launch of the online insurance marketplaces created by the Affordable Care Act.
As of Thursday morning seven million unique visitors had logged onto the HealthCare.gov website established by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), which provides information about the program and links to the exchanges that have been set up in each state and the District of Columbia, a CMS spokeswoman said on Thursday.
Traffic was also heavy at the CMS call center, which had received nearly 300 000 calls since midnight on 1 October, and on the center’s web chat service, whose staff had engaged in 167 000 web chats since the launch, 16 times more than Medicare.gov, the website that handles questions about Medicare, handles in a month, the spokeswoman said.
State exchanges also reported heavy traffic. New York reported that its exchange had received 2.5 million visitors in its first half hour of operation, and California was reporting 16 000 hits a second.
……Republicans, who have been predicting that the health law would prove to be a disaster, said that the websites’ problems were evidence that the law was unworkable and should be at least delayed, if not scrapped altogether.
With Obamacare proving to be a train wreck, the president’s insistence on steamrolling ahead with this flawed program is irresponsible,” said John Boehner, an Ohio Republican and speaker of the House of Representatives.
But Barack Obama dismissed such criticisms earlier this week in a Rose Garden speech he made on Monday to mark the launch of the exchanges.
“Consider that just a couple of weeks ago Apple rolled out a new mobile operating system. And within days they found a glitch, so they fixed it. I don’t remember anybody suggesting Apple should stop selling iPhones or iPads—or threatening to shut down the company if they didn’t,” Obama said.
The exchanges are designed to create clearing houses where individuals and families without insurance can compare and shop for coverage……請自行參考!!!
文章: 16332
註冊時間: 週一 7月 10, 2006 12:59 pm
來自: tainan

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 jeffery »

hjh 寫:
jeffery 寫:那台製ㄉ桂格ㄉ燕麥片 或紅麴納豆 會有問題嗎?
還不如 Crestor QW就夠了
偶已吃數年 好像也無效
文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »

Ronnie Cummins on Turning the Tide Against Monsanto
October 13, 2013 | 8,130 views—Mercola com.

Between October 18 and November 5 the next big GMO-labeling vote will take place in the United States; this time in Washington State, where citizens will cast their votes for the people's initiative 522, "The People's Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act."
Initiative 522 (I-522) will require seeds, raw agricultural commodities, and processed foods to be labeled if they’re produced using genetic engineering.1
The success of this ballot initiative is dependent on public donations, and we’re up against industry giants with very deep pockets, so please, help us win this key GMO labeling battle and continue to build momentum for GMO labeling in other states by making a donation to the Organic Consumers Fund (OCF) today.美國政府與參, 眾院(民意機構)設計與台灣制度--總統制?!--獨裁法西斯制??--可以有最大權利, 卻不需要負責!!!........去年加州未通過(California ballot initiative Proposition 37 nearly passed. We got 48.5 percent of the vote) (Monsanto's Protect ACT)
Part of this food movement is the Millions Against Monsanto campaign, and campaigns pushing for labeling of genetically engineered foods across the US.
The first March Against Monsanto, which took place in May, 2013 was really an extraordinary event that did not get the media attention it deserved. Some two million people in 450 cities and 50 countries took to the streets with the same message—that genetic engineering and Monsanto are out of control, and we need labeling and safety testing. 去年五月美國有450 個城市, 兩百萬人上街遊行抗議參院通過法案,只因總統歐巴馬卻簽署NO-Laber GMO Act(Monsanto’s Proctect Act)---大概是越戰時才見到的遊行場景!!!.....歐巴馬會不驚恐?!!!....今年十月十八日到十一月五日又要經參院表決---I-522法案("The People's Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act."), ,民主黨與共和黨就必須決戰了!!!.........

We need to get these crops off the market or marginalized. That’s what worries Monsanto and the rest of the food industry. Last November, they came close to a disaster when the California ballot initiative Proposition 37 nearly passed. We got 48.5 percent of the vote. They beat us by one and a half percentage points. Well, Monsanto and their allies – Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Kraft, and the rest – they had to spend 50 million dollars to beat us in California.”
“Under this Monsanto rider to the appropriation bill, even if a federal court rules that a genetically engineered crop has been improperly approved—that it could harm the environment or public health,
they can’t stop it. Monsanto’s chief cheerleader in the Senate, Roy Blunt from Missouri, was very proud of this rider, and it went through.
But in a sign of change, millions of people complained, emailed and called Congress, and caused the backers of the bill to back off and say that, ‘Well, it’ll expire on September 30 and then it won’t be part of the Farm Bill or continuing appropriations.’” ……….
有關民生的議題, 國民就有許多像1985聯盟的公民自動上街, 宣揚民主法治的真諦(?),;台灣健保還被政府隱瞞與欺騙國人, 但是民主法治的路還很長呢!!!.......台灣只有不斷政黨輪替,才可走上(?!)....還早呢!!!但是比美國應該要早知道"民主法治的真諦", 否則就走上法西斯獨裁制度!!!!.....----102-10-24

文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »

Palm oil taxes and cardiovascular disease mortality in India: economic-epidemiologic model
BMJ 2013; 347 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f6048 (Published 22 October 2013)
Cite this as: BMJ 2013;347:f6048
棕梠油並不是可可油(? 請指教!!)

Objective To examine the potential effect of a tax on palm oil on hyperlipidemia and on mortality due to cardiovascular disease in India.

Conclusions Curtailing palm oil intake through taxation may modestly reduce hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular mortality, but with potential distributional consequences differentially benefiting male and urban populations, as well as affecting food security.
印度食品貨物稅在20-30%,所以20%的Palm oil Tax也不算便宜,但是在南亞國家算是高貨物稅率(以食品類言)但是降低了Palm oil 銷售,所以心血管疾病可降低(以2014年預估2020年後)!!!......

......Palm oil accounts for most of Indian vegetable oil imports and nearly 48% of domestic consumption of oil for food,8 in part because it is typically 20-30% cheaper than other oils. Globally, palm oil has now surpassed soybean oil in global consumption (fig 1⇓).8 Palm oil contains approximately 49 g saturated fat per 100 g oil, as opposed to 17 g in peanut oil, 16 g in soybean oil, and 7 g in canola/rapeseed oil........
......Palm oil consumption is strongly associated with higher rates of death from myocardial infarction in low and middle income countries, even after adjustment for time trends, tobacco use, and other saturated fat sources.....騙很大!!!....棕梠油含飽和脂肪酸(雖然是植物性!!)造成心血管疾病機率高,是二 三十年知道的知識(常識)!!!.......
文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »

Sesame and rice bran oil lowers blood pressure, improves cholesterol--芝麻與米糠油可降低血壓與改善膽固醇
American Heart Association Meeting Report - Abstract 186
September 19, 2012

Study Highlights:
A blend of sesame and rice bran oil reduced blood pressure almost as well as a common medication.
• Those who used a combination of both the oil and medication had more than twice the drop in blood pressure compared to either the group taking medication alone, or those only supplementing their diet with the oil blend……..

…….WASHINGTON, DC, September 19, 2012 — People who cooked with a blend of sesame and rice bran oils saw a significant drop in blood pressure and improved cholesterol levels, according to new research presented at the American Heart Association’s High Blood Pressure Research 2012 Scientific Sessions……

……“Rice bran oil, like sesame oil, is low in saturated fat and appears to improve a patient’s cholesterol profile,” said Devarajan Sankar, M.D, Ph.D., a research scientist in the Department of Cardiovascular Disease at Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital in Chikushino, Japan. “Additionally, it may reduce heart disease risk in other ways, including being a substitute for less healthy oils and fats in the diet.”…..

As for cholesterol, those using the oils saw a 26 percent drop in their LDL (“bad” cholesterol) and a 9.5 percent increase in the HDL (“good” cholesterol), while no changes in cholesterol were observed for the patients who used only the calcium-channel blocker. Those who took the calcium channel blocker and the oils had a 27 percent drop in LDL levels and a 10.9 percent increase in the HDL.Healthier fatty acids and antioxidants, such as sesamin, sesamol, sesamolin and oryzanol, in the oil blends may be responsible for the results, Sankar said……
……..The combination was made specifically for this study, and there are no plans to market it commercially, Sankar said. Blending these oils yourself would not necessarily produce these effects…….......到底芝麻與米糠油調和是甚麼配方??!日本仍能避掉使用多氯聯苯當絕緣體,仍能製造米糠油;!!......印度是否用棉籽油調和芝麻油來行銷世界????......台灣只能說:--太貪心!!!
Co-authors are.Ravinder Singh, M.B.B.S., and Biprabuddha Chatterjee, M.Sc. Author disclosures are on the manuscript.
No outside funding was received for this research. Adani Wilmar Limited of Gujarat, India, donated the oil blend (VivoTM) for use in the study.

For the latest heart and stroke news, follow us on twitter: @HeartNews

聯合報 69/1/14 p. 2






者:張淑卿 長庚大學醫學系

翻開臺灣公共衛生發展史,公害事件如 RCA 工廠污染,鎘米污染事件,多氯聯苯(polychlorinated biphenyls, PCB)中毒事件等,都和臺灣經濟發展的進程密不可分。
多氯聯苯(PCB)中毒事件又稱為米糠油事件。PCB 於 1881 年由德國科學家成功合成,到了 1930 代美國孟山都(Monsanto)化學公司開始大量生產並廣泛應用於工業上,如用於電氣設備絕緣、熱交換器、水利系統,以及其他特殊應用中。日本則到 1954 年才開始生產,但用量卻一直維持快速的增加,日本在 1954 年用量僅 200 噸,但到 1971 年用量高達 5 萬餘噸,17 年間用量增加了 250 倍。
由於 PCB 在自然環境中不容易分解,在生產加工、使用、運輸和廢物處理過程中容易進入空氣、土壤、河流及海洋,造成嚴重污染。1968 年,日本北九州市小倉區的一家油庫,在製造米糠油的脫臭過程中使用 PCB 做為熱媒,但因熱媒管腐蝕而滲入米糠油中,民眾在長期食用這種米糠油後導致中毒,因此這次中毒事件又稱為「油症」。截至 1978 年止,日本的 PCB 中毒患者共 1,684 人。日本當時成立「油症研究班」,以抽血方式分析病患血液內的 PCB 含量,同時建議服用液體石蠟、活性碳等治療方式,但效果不彰。
臺灣的 PCB 中毒案發生在 1979 年。那年 4 月初,臺中縣大雅鄉惠明盲校有多名師生出現皮膚變黑,長出像癩蛤蟆般的疙瘩,看起來像是長滿了青春痘的症狀。這些冒出的痘痘排出惡臭的油性分泌物,且又痛又癢。起初醫師認為師生的病症應該只是一般的皮膚病,後來該校的師長們認為可能是食用油所引起的食物中毒。……………!!!歷史又重演,但是應該有許 多當時參與其事的學術界或公衛專家, 醫師等出面教育國人!!!....學術界人士忽略了社會責任,只是想爭取研究經費,增加個人利益….教授治國只是個幌子!!!



文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »

1. Zilmax: Slaughterhouse
Observations Raise New Concerns about This Growth-Promoting Drug
November 05, 2013 | 20,641 views--Mercola com.
• Zilmax is class of non-hormone drugs recently used in animals to promote growth. It, and others like it are fed to cattle in the weeks prior to slaughter to increase weight by as much as 30 pounds of lean meat per cow
Tyson Foods has announced it will stop buying Zilmax-fed cattle for slaughter as of September due to concerns about Zilmax potentially causing health or behavioral problems for some cattle
• Zilmax is already banned for use in horses due to severe side effects, including muscle tremors and rapid heart rates that can last as long as two weeks after stopping the drug
Before beta-agonsists like Zilmax were approved, scientists worried that this class of drug could result in increased cardiovascular risk for consumers
Merck is actively working on getting Zilmax back on the US and Canadian markets

文章: 1467
註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am

Re: 棉籽油與不孕症---美國桂格公司還在騙?!

文章 李誠民 »


去年底的AHA年會登出芝麻油與米糠油後,我就感覺台灣的橄欖油(外國只有1/4是標示 清楚!!!),從曾經寫文給衛生署,請教米糠油與玄米油的差別(因為東森購物台強力推銷,我老婆也買了!!!....不甘心!!!),就覺得一定有學術人士稱腰;;.....事情發展至今, 果真有台大名譽教授, 教授勾串!!!.......產 官 學連成一氣,多麼可怕的國家--台灣!!!
